Helen's Daughters Studio

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday - Helen's Daughters Handbags

Helen's Daughters
 will not be part of the  
8-10 AM Black Friday 
festivities downtown this year.  
Our handbags will be 
15% off 
ALL day Friday 
 Raven House, 
103 4th Street, 
Downtown Baraboo.

Monday, November 19, 2012



Start your Holiday Shopping 
with Helen's Daughters!
First handbag choices in our
"BUY NOW" Boutique page
are up and you can start shopping!!!
 Visit our website
 www.helensdaughters.com .
Find what you'd like and send us an email.

ADD your email address and never miss a blog post------ >>>>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Winter Glory in Milwaukee

Thank you volunteers of Winter Glory! 
 This wonderful little show was held in the
 Harley Davidson Garage on their museum grounds.
 The pics are our neighbors at the show.
Art fair neighbors are always a key factor at our shows.
They are supportive, watchful and helpful!
If you didn't make it this year, put it on your calendar for next.
We'd say it's the best quality Holiday Fair in Milwaukee during the Season.