Helen's Daughters Studio

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Little Lake Pouches

SOLD - not available.
Little Lake Pouches
$30. includes shipping
Approximately 8" x 8"
This includes shipping.
Email us with your choice.
Add your phone number.
Give us a time to call.  
Char will call for payment.
(As they sell we will list what's left)

Whatever Pouches

SOLD - No longer available.
You've been asking for 
"Whatever Pouches" 
Here's our selection today.
We sell them in pairs.
The pen will give you perspective.
Two for $25.
This includes shipping.
Email us with your choices.
Add your phone number.
Give us a time to call.  
Char will call for payment.
(As they sell we will list what's left)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Holiday Studio Sale - Saturday

Holiday Studio Sale
25 % OFF
All 2015 Handbags
10 am - 3 pm
In Our Baraboo Studio

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2015 Fall/Winter Mailing

Working on our Mailing List.
We still like the "old fashioned" way -
Sending a postcard in the mail.
If you'd like to get our emails posting,
sign up on this blog.
Scroll down right hand side of page.
type email address in the box.
You're on our "LIST"!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Helen's Daughters Now through September 12, 2015

Working on summer orders
preparing for our 
Fall Shows.

Follow us on Facebook
Helen's Daughters Studio

Thursday, July 2, 2015

How to FIND US at ART Fair OFF the Square

We couldn't get our video 
to stick 
Soooo Check out
How  to 
July 11 & 12, 2015
ART Fair OFF the Square
Madison, Wisconsin


Monday, June 15, 2015

Find Us in Baraboo, Wisconsin this Saturday!

Helen's Daughters
 will be showing their work
 at the 
ArtJune Art Fair
Courthouse Square
9 AM - 4PM
Courthouse Square
 this weekend in
 Baraboo, Wisconsin

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

See Helen's Daughters in Spring Valley, Minnesota

Helen's Daughters 
will be at
Something NEW
"Uncorked Junk Market Style"
Four Daughters Winery
Spring Valley, Minnesota
Friday - Sunday 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Helen's Daughters, Char
 will be in Springfield Illinois 
this weekend...Booth #14.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Our Spring Show Schedule

May 2-3
Elmhurst Art In The Park, Wilder Park, Elmhurst, IL – C
May 10
Festival of Arts, High School Gym, Marshfield, WI – C
May 16-17
Old Capital Art Fair, Downtown, Springfield, IL - C
June 5-7
Iowa Arts Festival, Iowa City, IA - M
June 5-7
Omaha Summer Art Festival, Downtown, Omaha, NE – C
June 19-20
36th Annual College Hill Arts Festival, Cedar Falls, IA - M
June 20
ArtJune, Downtown Square Park, Baraboo, May 2-3
Elmhurst Art In The Park, Wilder Park, Elmhurst, IL – C
May 10
Festival of Arts, High School Gym, Marshfield, WI – C
May 16-17
Old Capital Art Fair, Downtown, Springfield, IL - C
June 5-7
Iowa Arts Festival, Iowa City, IA - M
June 5-7
Omaha Summer Art Festival, Downtown, Omaha, NE – C
June 19-20
36th Annual College Hill Arts Festival, Cedar Falls, IA - M
June 20
ArtJune, Downtown Square Park, Baraboo, WI – C
June 27-28
Spring Green 45th Annual Arts & Crafts fair, Spring Green, WI -MWI – C
June 27-28

Check out Facebook

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 Show Schedule

Shows in 2015
C - Char's Shows
M - Mariella's Show

January 31
Cool Boo Open Studios, Our Baraboo Studio - C
February 14-15
Madison Weaver's Guild Art Fair, Olbriech Gardens, Madison, WI - C
February 28
Garage Sale Studio Art Fair, Kalamazoo, MI – C
March 7-8
Artigras, Shopko Center, Green Bay, WI – C
March 27-28
Cedarburg Woman's Club Wearable Show, Cedarburg, WI - C
April 9-10
terBeest Family Garage Sale, Baraboo Arts Building, 323 Water St, Baraboo, WI – C
April 18
Spring Bloom Art Festival, Interstate Center, Bloomington, IL - C
April 19
Steven's Point Festival of the Arts, UW Art Building, Steven's Point, WI – C
April 24-26
Bluff County Studio Art Tour, Lanesboro Community Center, Lanesboro, MN - M
May 2-3
Elmhurst Art In The Park, Wilder Park, Elmhurst, IL – C
May 10
Festival of Arts, High School Gym, Marshfield, WI – C
May 16-17
Old Capital Art Fair, Downtown, Springfield, IL - C
June 5-7
Iowa Arts Festival, Iowa City, IA - M
June 5-7
Omaha Summer Art Festival, Downtown, Omaha, NE – C
June 20
ArtJune, Downtown Square Park, Baraboo, WI – C
June 27-28

Spring Green 45th Annual Arts & Crafts fair, Spring Green, WI -M
June 27-28
Strawberry Festival, downtown, Cedarburg, WI - C
Fair OFF The Square, Downtown, Madison, Madison WI *– C
July 11
Art at St Kate’s, St Catherine University, St Paul, MN - M
July 18
Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm, WI - M
July 15-18
Ann Arbor Summer Fair, State Street – Booth #99, Ann Arbor, MI - C
July 25
Circus Days Antique & Art Fair – Downtown, Baraboo, WI - C
July 25
37th Annual Art Sail, Clear Lake, IA - M
August 2
53rd Annual Cresco Fine Arts Show, Beadle Park, Cresco, IA* - M
August 2-3
Evanston Art Festival, Evanston, Illinois * - C

August 8-9
Green Lake Art Festival, Downtown Park, Green Lake, WI* – C

August 15

Agora Art Festival, Fitchburg, WI - C
September 12-13
Wausau Festival of Arts, Wausau, WI - M
September 13
Starving Artist Fair, Mt Mary College, Milwaukee – C
September 19
Holy Hill Art Fair, Hartford, WI * - C
September 19-20
Driftless Area Art Festival, Soldiers Grove, WI - M
September 26
OctoberFest Appleton, Appleton, WI * - C
September 27
Octagon Art Festival, Ames, IA - M
October 3-4
42nd Annual Sogn Valley Craft Fair – M
October 10-11
Galena Country Fair – Galena, Illinois * - C
October 10-11
48th Annual Fall Festival of the Arts, Red Wing, MN * - M
October 17-19
Fall Art Tour – Our Baraboo, Studio, Baraboo, WI – C
October 31
Pumpkin Extravaganza, Our Studio – Baraboo, WI – C
November 14-15
Winter Art Festival – Monona Terrace, Madison, WI - C
November 20-21
WinterGlory, Polish Community Center, Franklin, WI *- C
December 5
20th Annual Art at Ramsey, Ramsey Middle School, St Paul, MN* - M
December 11-12
The Very Merry Holiday Fair, Arts Building, 323 Water St,Baraboo, WI - C & M

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cool Boo Open Studios

Cool Boo Open Studios
January 31, 2015
10 AM - 4 PM

Visit the Baraboo, Wisconsin Studio

Cool Boo Make A Handbag A Day Challenge - #7 -#13.

Follow the Challenge

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cool Boo Make A Handbag A Day Challenge - #3 & #4

Follow the 
Cool Boo Make A Handbag A Day Challenge! 


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cool Boo Make A Handbag A Day Challenge - #1 & #2!!!

We have started the 
Make A Handbag A Day Challenge.
Thirteen more new designs to come!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Good News!

We will 
be doing 
more blogging 
in 2015.
Stay tuned to this space!

Cool Boo Open Studios

Visit Helen's Daughters Studio 
Baraboo - January 31, 2015
10 AM- 4 PM
New designs and new handbags.