Helen's Daughters Studio

Friday, December 28, 2012

News Years Salebration!

Monday, December 31,
 Helen's Daughters Studio
will be part of the 
2012 DBI Salebration,
 in Raven House 
108 3rd 
Street, Baraboo.
All Helen's Daughters handbags 
will be 
30% OFF
 the original price.
Join us for our once a year Salebration!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays

Mariella and Char
- Helen's Daughters -
wish all of our friends, fans and family
 a Very Merry Holiday and Happy New Year.
We appreciate your continued support.
May your days be filled with happiness and good health!
We'll see you in 2013.
Hugs all around!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Diane's Christmas Purse

Diane order her Christmas Purse
 during the Summer Ann Arbor Fair.
It's no longer 100 degrees
and we're expecting 16 inches of snow.
Enjoy your new Helen's Daughters handbag, Diane.
We enjoyed making it for you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

There Is STILL Time!!

There is still time 
to find a Helen's Daughters Handbag
for that purse lover in your family.
You can find them at
 Raven House, 108 Third Street in Downtown Baraboo
and the
Lanesboro Art Center in Lanesboro, Minnesota.
You can contact us at our studio via website
 www.helensdaughter.com .

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Helen's Daughter Studio        

Sponsor of The Holiday Fair - December 15.

Holiday Fair "After" The Very Merry
December 15 - 9 AM -  3 PM
in the
Gollmar Room - Arts Building
319 Water Street,
 Baraboo, WI.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

New backpack for The Very Merry Holiday Fair

Lot of new work at The Very  Merry Holiday Fair in Baraboo
- December 7 & 8.
 Looks like great weather!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Exhibit in Wausau

Definitely a different  way of display our handbags.
We're in great company with Erika Mocks scarves.
 If you're in Wausau,Wisconsin
stop in and see the exhibit.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The IPad Carrier and Messinger Bag

Finished an order for a customer!
 Love the color combination 
Very Practical IPad carrier.
 It runs about $68 plus shipping -
special price until the end of the year.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday - Helen's Daughters Handbags

Helen's Daughters
 will not be part of the  
8-10 AM Black Friday 
festivities downtown this year.  
Our handbags will be 
15% off 
ALL day Friday 
 Raven House, 
103 4th Street, 
Downtown Baraboo.

Monday, November 19, 2012



Start your Holiday Shopping 
with Helen's Daughters!
First handbag choices in our
"BUY NOW" Boutique page
are up and you can start shopping!!!
 Visit our website
 www.helensdaughters.com .
Find what you'd like and send us an email.

ADD your email address and never miss a blog post------ >>>>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Winter Glory in Milwaukee

Thank you volunteers of Winter Glory! 
 This wonderful little show was held in the
 Harley Davidson Garage on their museum grounds.
 The pics are our neighbors at the show.
Art fair neighbors are always a key factor at our shows.
They are supportive, watchful and helpful!
If you didn't make it this year, put it on your calendar for next.
We'd say it's the best quality Holiday Fair in Milwaukee during the Season.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mariella at Menomonie.

Catch Helen's Daughters - Mariella -
in at the
Mabel Tainter Show in Menomonie, Wisconsin.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Show at the Visual Arts Gallery

Five of the Six
 in the
Visual Arts Gallery Show - Wausau, WI

Shows Starts Friday and goes through December 29.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Friends and Fans!
It's a "big deal" around our home and studio.
For 24 years, Frank and I
have always put on a simple Halloween display.
We usually get between 400 and 600 hundred kids, dogs and parents.
They are ghosts, cowgirls and ladybugs,
So...sorry to say - there won't be much getting done in the studio tomorrow.
Have fun with your friends and family!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Second Street 2012 Fall Art Tour

2012 Second Street Fall Art Tour.
It was all about people this year!
 Young and old -  tall and short - Barabooians and Chicagoites.
We Thank you all.
You make this hard work worth doing over the 19 years.
Friday was dreary, but Saturday and Sunday were spectacular!
Thanks Kristee Weber Mickler our basketmaker guest,
 Don Esser the sculpture,
Mareilla terBeest Kudla, my sister and partner,
 Karen Klemm devoted friend always here to help,
 Frank Kudla, metalsmith and husband.
 And a big thank you to all friends and fans
bringing folks to our studio and supporting us over all these years.
 Hugs all around!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday at 3:30

Thank goodness no show this weekend.
  Three inches of rain and chilly.
So... Frank and I headed out to Reedsburg after the rain stopped
and enjoyed the farm constructions
along our beautiful Sauk County roadways.
Happens once a year, in the fall.
  Worth the adventure!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Glorious Galena

Galena Country Fair and Sogan Valley Art Fair.
Cold, frigid and sometimes uncomfortable.
Lots and lots of layers and still cold.
in spite of the weather
the fairs were amazing and always surprising.
Thanks to all bundling up and enjoying the fairs, music, wine
Helen's Daughters Handbags.
It's now a mere memory and the winters togs are put away.
HUGS to all our FANS!!!


Monday, October 1, 2012

The Craft Report

Catch our Ad for
 Helen's Daughters Handbags
in the November issue of
 The Craft Report.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturdays Show

Sometimes you do a show
where thousands and thousands of people
 walk by your booth
and a "special" few reward
you for getting up a 5 AM.
Thanks Fox Valley we had an enjoyable show.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2012 Country Living Fair


2012 Country Living Fair 
Columbus, Ohio.
What fun we had at the Fair.
Mariella and I had a grand adventure.
We met amazing people,
saw awesome "stuff"
and, yes, sold some handbags.
The crowd was from all over New York - California - Wisconsin.
They came in groups of friends and sisters - a few husbands.
They carried bags and bags of "goodies" to their vehicles.
The weather was perfect on Saturday and Sunday.
Thank you Columbus, Country Living Magazine
and Stella Shows for a successful Fair.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Columbus Country Living Fair

Columbus Country Living Fair
Helen's Daughters Studio 
Booth #A336
September 14-16
Ohio Historical Village
Columbus, Ohio 

Both Mariella and Char will be there 
they'd would love to see you!

Starving Artist Fair - Mt Mary College - Milwaukee, WI

 Starving Artist Fair - Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Crazy - Busy- Exciting - Fast - Home
Thanks Milwaukee and beyond!
Good seeing friends and new work!

Friday, August 31, 2012

100 Little Lake Pouches

Working for
 Mt. Mary Starving Artist Fair, 
September 9,
 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
 The Country Living Fair 
 Columbus, Ohio
  September 14-16.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Melissa and Tony's Wedding


Our Helen's Daughters blog this week
 is all about
 Melissa (our niece) and Tony (Melissa's new husband).
Not all Daughters got to go, some were working.
So this is for them as well.
It was all beautiful and a memory gone in a breath.
From the large Chapel to the vows and kiss, dinner, dance and more.
  It was all about family!
This is the terBeest family view of it all.
Another part of Melissa's and Tony's family would have seen something different.
Her talented mother, Donna,
would been so proud of Melissa and
 our late brother Rod,
would have loved to help give her away.
We wish Melissa and Tony a long happy life together. 
And thank you for including us in your day!
Hugs all around!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Char The Basketmaker

Helen's Daughters, Char, had a creative career before handbag making.
She was an accomplished
willow basketmaker, author and workshop leader.
In 1988 - yes it was a long time ago - she was honored to receive
a Wisconsin Arts Board - Art Fellowship Award.
 Only five Wisconsin working artists were honor in 1988.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beautiful Agora Art Fair in Fitchburg

Agora Art Fair.
 Blue skies, happy patrons, happy artists and a well run fair.
This little one day show is a family affair.
Grandmother and grandfathers to twins in carriages and a smatting of teens
ALL smiling.
The weather was PERFECT!
 There was wide variety artists/craftsmen and gigantic award ribbons!
You know you've won when Nikki, the show coordinators, hands you one.
None for Helen's Daughters this year.
The fiber award went to The Very Merry Holiday Fair's, Pat Kroth!
Congratulations Pat!
 I'm glad I have a break for a couple weeks.
Thanks Fitchburg for a wonderful show.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Green Lake Fine Art Show

Turning 62 at the Green Lake Art Fair
was a perfect way to celebrate a special birthday!
It's a beautiful place with wonderful people.
So thanks Green Lake!
Our crowd did seem a little lighter this year,
but they were enthusiastic and happy.
I always love the music.
The show is always run well and
 I see artist/craftsmen I have never seen before.
One more show in a  run of nine.
- Agora in Fitchburg, WI. -
..so..back to the studio.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Beautiful Evanston Art Festival on Lake Michigan

Wow...I can't believe it's over.
 Quick set up on Saturday morning.
 Nice crowd on Saturday.
Then... dangerous storms moved in and closed the Fair at 3:30 .
 We sat in the van as the wind, ran, and experienced direct hit lighting strikes on the festival grounds.
  No one was hurt, except for a couple tents that went down during the storm.
 We weathered it well.
Went fabric shopping and Frank had a chance to enjoy his favorite food.
Sunday was utterly PERFECT!
We've waited all summer for a glorious day like this.
 Since my Ann Arbor show, I was able to make 105 new pieces
.  Sold 98 of those new colors, shapes and textures!
Thanks Evanston.
  You stand alone with beauty, diverse and interesting citizens
and, of course,
 you like our Helen's Daughters Handbags!
Crazy word of the day...FYI.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ann Arbor 2012!!!

Ann Arbor 2012
 Always a long journey  - it's a 9 hour drive from Baraboo
 -  home of Helen's Daughters Char's studio!
I started with 300 handbags and came home with 14.
We'll try harder to have more choices for you -  our faithful  customers.
At set up, on Tuesday, it was 103 degrees.
We had rain on Thursday.
Friday was absolutely beautiful
and Saturday  went fast.
Our fans were from eight to eighty.
Our conversations were enlightening and fun.
There is no other Fair like Ann Arbor.
Thank you, Michigan, it was a pleasure visiting you again.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Helen's Daughters Handbags in Ann Arbor!

Helen's Daughters Handbags!
Here's where to find us in
 Ann Arbor, Michigan.  
Booth #99 on State Street.


Fair On the Square - Madison

Hot - Fun - Art - People - Done.
Fair on the Square  - Madison
Through everything was a little different this year,
we are always honored to be in
 Fair On The Square.
Here  are some of the sights from the fair.
Thanks Karen for Saturday help -
We always appreciated your assistance!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nothing "Normal" About Normal, Illinois.

Yes...there is nothing Normal about Normal, Illinois!
It was HOT!!
Saturday temps hovered at about 104 degrees.
Sunday bought a break in the weather and hit a mere 95 degrees...
a welcome relief....really.
Our fans came out anyway and there where tons of
Helen's Daughters Handbag sightings!!!!  
Many added to their there personal collections.
 Uptown Normal
 is a beautiful example of an small downtown changing into a showplace.
 It's beautiful!
Congratulation Normal - you deserve to be well visited!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cedarburg - More of.....EVERYTHING.


The Strawberry Festival Art Fair
in Cedarburg, Wisconsin is
yes...more of EVERYTHING.
Crafts/Art/Fun/ Music (very loud)/Community/Salon Art/HD Fans/Strawberry Short Cake/ Wine
and it ended
 with a sunset over the Wind Machines in Columbia County.
It was a wonderful weekend.
  Thank you Cedarburg and Spring Green!
We'll be back next June!

Frank and Char - Two Years Later

Char of Helen's Daughters with her husband Frank - A Different Angle Jewelry,
 have made it through their second year of adjusting to their
 "new life" 
after the 2010 Slinger, Wisconsin robbery.
 ( Check our 6/27/11 post.)
We've done new shows from Florida to Nebraska.
Franks has designed a new line of bronze necklaces, pins and earrings.
We've decided, the bad guys will not defeat us. 
Maybe, we won't have the things we thought were have at this age.  
But we've OK.
Thanks to all our gracious friends and family for their support and understanding.
The further away you get from a point, the smaller it appears.
Bless all of you!  
HUGS all around!

Char and Frank

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

200 Facebook Fans

It's taken a a little longer than we hoped,
we now have
200 Facebook Fans!  
Thanks to all 200!
Become a fan..
just click "like" on our page!
Keep up with what's happen
in our studios
on the art fair scene.


Friday, June 15, 2012

One of 64 Finalists!!

"Twinkle Toes"
 was one of  the 64 finalists for
The Craft Report Magazine October cover. 
You still have until 8 AM, June 16, to visit
 The Craft Report Magazine's Facebook page and 
click "Like" to put her into the "sweet sixteen".
They always say it's an honor to be nominated,  
 but it's also nice to see your work on 
a cover of  Craft Report.
Thanks to all who voted for "Twinkle Toes"!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Ooohhh Omaha!!!!!!!!!

What a wonderful time I had on my way to and from Omaha!!!
First of all...THANK YOU Omaha!!!!
  You were fabulous!
I will definitely be back next year!
Best in Fiber - Buffalo running all over downtown -
Fabulous Iowa rest areas - Horizontal rain -
Sculptures - GREAT neighbors -Dart  Vader and Storm Troopers
- Field of Dreams -
 Giant slide -
Excellent RoomMate -
Needed an Fun escape -
What a surprise!
Thank YOU!!!
Glad to be home and HAPPY - with wonderful memories!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mariella in Iowa City and Char in Omaha.

June is starting out to be very busy
for Helen's Daughters.
Mariella is doing the
Summer Art Festival 
in Iowa City, Iowa this Friday through Sunday.
Char takes a ten hour van ride to
 Omaha, Nebraska.
She will be in booth 126 in the
Omaha Arts Festival 
June 8-10.
 They are both sewing like crazy
to keep their fans in
Helen's Daughters handbags!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


May 24th is our favorite day!  
We, as sisters, get together to celebrate our mother's birthday.
 When she was still here, we would get together and celebrate her birthday.
It was always so very special to us terBeest GIRLS.
 We will continue this traditional.
We will celebrate our mother's memory
 and the gift of being SISTERS!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Country Living Fair - Columbus in September!

Both Mariella and Char
will be at the
2012 Country Living Fair
 in Columbus, Ohio.
It was fabulous last year
we can't wait to go back for a magical experience!!!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Put On Your Cuties Shoes...

Grab your
little red purse 
and come see us at
 Beau Arts Fair in Davenport, Iowa
and on Mothers's Day
Marshfield Arts Fair
in Marshfield, Wisconsin.
Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Art In the (Rainy) Park

First of all, there's nothing a show director can do to change the weather.
But our first outdoor show Elmhurst, Illinois was a challenge.
Cloudy and cool the first day - rainy and kind of scary the next day.
Everything caked in mud and a day after clean up job.
The park director was a "peach" -  he and his crew where right there with straw & brooms.
Mother nature had a different idea - lightening and thunder.
We do want to thank our lovely customers coming and shopping with us!
We appreciate each and every one!
I'd like to thank the show director - it was really a challenge.
 We will come back next year and keep your fingers crossed for beautiful weather
 - kinda like today.
Now back to the studio.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

From a Sweet Shop to a Tastful Parlor.


Change is hard.  
Change is constant.
  And Change is good!
We wish this 
new young business much success!